A strong network to achieve an even greater impact
Our members are private companies from all sectors, public organizations, academia, non-profit organizations. But they all have one mission: Making Switzerland a leading digital innovation hub – worldwide. Digitalization will disrupt existing structures and business models at unprecedented speed and even challenge states. So, it is high time to start innovative and forward thinking to bring Switzerland to the next digital level. This is why digitalswitzerland exists: We wand to bundle forces and make Switzerland the place where digital innovation starts and our future is created. We know, this is a very ambitious mission, but as a proverb goes: Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
Sounds great – but you still need a deep dive into digitalswitzerland?
We have five major pillars: education & talent, start-up enablement, corporate enablement, public dialog and political-economic environment. In each of these pillars we have several projects with the aim to advance digital innovation. And overall, we try to coordinate between different stakeholders, to offer services on questions about digitalization and to bring light into the dark by organizing events and workshops on topics such as blockchain, cybersecurity, e-health and so on. Some examples with regards to our projects:
- In the political realm, digitalswitzerland is working intensively on the Digital Action Plan for Switzerland. Within this Action Plan, tangible implementation projects were developed in six fields of activity,
- within the education & talent pillar we created a platform with an overview of digital continuing education and with «nextgeneration» we are offering summercamps for kids and teenagers, where they learn how to code.
- In the start-up enablement pillar we are enabling connections between start-ups, companies and investors,
- in corporate enablement, we launched the so-called challenge, where cross-sector teams implement bets they started one year ago to bring society digitally further,
- lastly, the milestone project of our public dialog is the Digital Day, which took place for the first time in 2017. This unique day was dedicated to the public: with more than 40 partners we could reach 200’000 people and again as much through digital channels. The next Digital Day will take place on 25 October 2018.
We would like to thank our more than 100 members for everything we achieved in such a short period of time. We know that without their power and endurance in all the initiatives and projects we would not be where we are today. So thank you very much for your continuous support!
Exciting times ahead
After not even three fulminant years and many implemented projects, we are looking very optimistic into the future. With the support of more than 100 members and our high-level network, we will tackle the coming challenges and our aim is to create an even bigger impact for our members and Switzerland as a whole. Are you ready for the ride? We are!
Get involved in our projects or please subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter and we will keep you posted about all things digitalswitzerland!