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Press Release Archive

Please find our archive of press releases.

If you represent a magazine, newspaper or another kind of media entity, or have other media related inquiries, please get in touch.

Email our Head of Communications and Marketing, Thomas Weidmann:


May 2024

30.05.2024 – Franziska Barmettler becomes the new CEO of digitalswitzerland. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

07.05.2024 – 6th Digital Gipfel Schweiz: 100 personalities from business, education and politics discuss artificial intelligence. Read the press release in German and French.


October 2023

12.10.2023 – Cybersecurity affects everyone – because the focus is always on people. Read the press release in German.

06.10.2023 – Digital sovereignty and critical infrastructure – where are the limits? Read the press release in German.

05.10.2023 – The electronic patient dossier is at a crossroads. Read the press release in German.

May 2023

26.05.2023 – digitalswitzerland: Strengthen regions, increase impact. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.


December 2022

14.12.2022 – The Swiss population is ready for a digital healthcare system. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

October 2022

27.10.2022 – Those were the Swiss Digital Days 2022. Find the press release in GermanFrench and Italian.

04.10.2022 – Study on digitalisation in Switzerland: Great willingness – little movement. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

03.10.2022 – Swiss Digital Days 2022 are coming to Eastern Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Read the press release in German.

September 2022

28.09.2022 – IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking: Switzerland once again among the top 5 worldwide. Read the press release in German and French.

27.09.2022 – Swiss Digital Days 2022 are coming to Ticino. Read the press release in Italian.

20.09.2022 – Digital sustainability and secure browsing: Swiss Digital Days are coming to the Romandie. Read the press release in French.

13.09.2022 – Augmented reality glasses and e-scooters: Swiss Digital Days are coming to Zurich. Read the press release in German.

06.09.2022 – Digital topics for young and old: there’s something for everyone at Swiss Digital Days in Northwestern Switzerland. Read the press release in German.

05.09.2022 – Switzerland’s largest NFT project unveiled at the start of Swiss Digital Days 2022. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

August 2022

30.08.2022- 4. Digital Gipfel Schweiz: International business leaders, academics and digital thought leaders meet to exchange views on the digital future. Read the press release in German and French.

29.08.2022 – Startup battle, hackathon and big bubbles: Swiss Digital Days are coming to Bern. Read the press release in German.

July 2022

21.07.2022 – From A as in Aarau to Z as in Zurich: Swiss Digital Days 2022 are going on a Switzerland-wide tour. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

June 2022

28.06.2022 – No improvement in cybersecurity among SMEs despite digitalisation boost from Corona crisis. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

March 2022

18.03.2022 – An important step towards increasing Switzerland’s cyber resilience: statement on Amendment of the Ordinance on Telecommunications Services (OTS) to protect telecommunications infrastructures and services. Read the press release in German and French.

January 2022

26.01.2022 – Statement on the amendment of the Federal Act on Foreign Nationals and Integration. Read the press release in German and French.

18.01.2022 – The Swiss Digital Initiative presents the world’s first label for digital responsibility. Read the press release in English, German, French and Italian.



23.12.2021 – Stefan Metzger appointed new Managing Director of digitalswitzerland. Read the press release in German, English, Italian and French.


18.11.2021 – Home office is establishing itself as a place of work for SMEs. Read the press release in German, French and Italian.

11.11.2021 – Digital Economy Award: Recognition for digital excellence. The digital pioneers of the year have been selected. Read the Press Release in German and French.

7.11.2021 – Programming with purpose: #herHACK Switzerland’s largest female hackathon sets an example for gender diversity. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

3.11.2021 – The Swiss Digital Initiative unveils the Digital Trust Label Seal. The Press Release is available in English.

October 2021

28.10.2021 – Digital Day 2021: 12 hours of livestream and over 150 events, online and across Switzerland. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

14.10.2021 – A Swiss Pavilion at GITEX Technology Week, one of the largest technology fairs in the Middle East. The Press Release is available in German and French.

13.10.2021 – The E-ID is inevitable – let’s move forward. The Press Release is available in German and French. Read the statement in German.

7.10.2021 – Wake-up call from pandemic: The Swiss want to improve digital skills. Press Release is available in German, French and Italian. Data is available in German.

September 2021

30.09.2021 – Finalists of the Digital Economy Award: Fintech industry booming, healthcare more digital as never before. The Press Release is available in German and French.

29.09.2021 – Kick Off for Digital Day 2021 – 6 weeks of inspiration start now! Press Release available in German, French and Italian.

15.09.2021 – Unacceptable solution for the Labour Law – flexible working for the ICT sector continues to be out of reach. digitalswitzerland calls for key points to be added to the insufficient proposal. The Press Release is available in German and French.

7.07.2021 – Possible approach for the creation of a trustworthy Distributed Ledger Technology ecosystem in Switzerland. The Press Release is available in German, French and English.

August 2021

31.08.2021 – Swiss Digital Day 2021: Digital skills for a digital future. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

24.08.2021 – 3rd Digital Gipfel Switzerland: International digital experts and
Swiss business representatives exchange ideas on digitalisation. The Press Release is available in German and French.

18.08.2021 – Security above speed: Yes to the e-voting proposal with a sense of moderation. The Press Release is available in German and French.

July 2021

13.07.2021 – Swiss Digital Day 2021: This is how the population is shaping Switzerland’s digital future. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

June 2021

24.06.2021 – Untapped potential for skilled workers among older employees. The Press Release is available in German and French. Survey available in German.

17.06.2021 – Digital Economy Award: Honouring Switzerland’s digital
Switzerland’s top digital achievements takes place. The Press Release is available in German and French.

2.06.2021 – digitalswitzerland confirms new president. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

May 2021

27.05.2021 – digitalswitzerland confirms new president. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

11.05.2021 – Switzerland-wide initiative strengthens digital skills of
employees. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

6.05.2021 – SDI Report: Labels and Certifications for the Digital World – Mapping the International Landscape. The Press Release is available in German, French & English.

April 2021

21.04.2021 – Switzerland provides new impulses for innovation: Privacy Icons wins award for the most impressive digitalisation project. The Press Release is available in German and French.

16.04.2021 – Sascha Zahnd becomes new president of digitalswitzerland. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

12.04.2021 – Cutting-edge Swiss technologies showcased at the digital HANNOVER MESSE 2021. The Press Release is available in German and French.

March 2021

7.03.2021 – The e-ID law is rejected. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

February 2021

17.02.2021 – Digital Economy Award enters 3rd round: Nomination phase started. The Press Release is available in German, French and Italian.

January 2021

14.01.2021 – The E-ID law stands for a modern Switzerland. The Press Release is available in German.

Today’s press conference kicks off the 6-week pre-phase for Digital Day with a successful placement of Switzerland in terms of Digital Competitiveness.

From today until Digital Day on November 10, there are over 600 free events to choose from across Switzerland. Citizens can get involved in discussions about digitization, strengthen their digital skills and raise their awareness of digital change processes.

Read the press releases in German, French or Italian.

The second edition of the Digital Summit Switzerland took place last week in Zurich on 25 and 26 November 2019, following the success and great response of last years event. digitalswitzerland, in cooperation with Swisscom, Ringier, EY Switzerland and Mercedes-Benz Switzerland (mobility partner), invited high-ranking national and international executives to the Digital Summit Switzerland. This event – under the patronage of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) – has established itself as an important platform facilitating exchange and networking between corporate, academic, entrepreneurial and political players in Switzerland. A high-calibre discussion and expert presentations addressed the overall key topic “Digital Transformation” from many different aspects.

The Swiss Digital Summit is making an important contribution to help shape and tackle the complex effects of digitalisation in Switzerland. It emphasises awareness of both the urgency and the magnitude of the changes resulting from digital change. 

Marc Walder, founder of digitalswitzerland and CEO of Ringier: “With the Swiss Digital Summit, digitalswitzerland launched another relevant initiative. The summit provides an important platform for executives of leading Swiss companies, research institutions and politicians to exchange information regarding digital transformation. We are all united by the will to promote digitalisation in Switzerland – and to actively accompany this change”. 

The Summit was opened by Professor Dr. Thomas J. Jordan, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank. Jordan spoke about “The Future of Money”. Sergio Ermotti, CEO UBS, and Tidjane Thiam, CEO Credit Suisse, then debated “The New World of Finance” during a panel discussion. The renowned investor Klaus Hommels spoke about Europe’s role as a sustainable destination for digital innovation.

Urs Schaeppi, member of the Steering Committee digitalswitzerland and CEO of Swisscom: “I am delighted with the great response that the first Digital Summit triggered last year. In 2019, we once again succeeded in engaging top-class speakers. In order for companies to remain competitive in the digital world, they need inspiring impulses from outside and dialogue with other companies and organisations.”

Marcel Stalder, member of the Executive Committee digitalswitzerland and CEO of Chain IQ Group AG, adds: “The prosperity we enjoy in Switzerland must be preserved. Together with my colleagues, I am happy to work to ensure that Switzerland is in no way inferior when it comes to digitalisation. This also includes preserving our leading education and research location, changing the framework conditions to meet future needs, and creating sufficient risk capital to finance innovations.”

Speakers at the Swiss Digital Summit 2019

The third edition of the Swiss Digital Summit is planed for November 2020.

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