Samir Aliyev
CEO and Founder of Swiss Cyber Institute
Thomas Bögli
Chef Ausbildung Kdo Cyber (C FGG 7), Swiss Armed Forces
Maya Bundt
Member of the Board of Directors, APG SGA
Michael Deuber
Head Digital Investigation Unit, Zurich City Police
Serge Droz
President, FIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
Tobias Ellenberger
COO, Oneconsult AG and Vice-President, Swiss Cyber Experts
Damiano Esposito
Head Security Operations, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund
Eduardo Geraldi
CISO, SPIE Switzerland
Christophe Gerber
Head of Defense & Cybersecurity, Elca
Christian Grasser
Managing Director, asut
Marcus Griesser
David Gugelmann
CEO & Founder of Exeon Analytics
Roman Haltinner
Partner, Cyber Security, GSA Technology Consulting, Ernst & Young AG
Mostafa AbdelMoez Hassanin
Group C(I)SO, Swiss Marketplace Group AG
Erich Herzog
Member of the Executive Board, Head of Department Competition & Regulatory Affairs, economiesuisse
Thomas Holderegger
President, Cybersecurity CommitteeSecurity Lead for Switzerland, Accenture
Marc Holitscher
National Technology Officer, Microsoft
Michael Holzer
Cyber Security & Privacy Officer, Huawei Technologies Switzerland AG
Christian Hunziker
Managing Director, swissICT
Andreas W. Kaelin
Vice-President, Cybersecurity Committee; CEO, Allianz Digitale Sicherheit Schweiz
Thomas Koch
Chief Security Officer, SIX Group
Vincent Lenders
Head of Cyber-Defence Campus, armasuisse
Martin Leuthold
Head of Network & Security, Switch
Arié Malz
Co-President, ISSS
Roland Mathys
Partner & Head of ICT Group, Schellenberg Wittmer
Renzo Muehlebach
CSO, Swiss Armed Forces
Sandro Nafzger
CEO & Co-Founder, Bug Bounty Switzerland
Christophe Nicolas
Group CIO, Kudelski Group
Dario Perfettibile
Ambassador, swico
Raphael Reischuk
Vice-President, Cybersecurity CommitteeHead of Cybersecurity, Zühlke Engineering AG
Patrick Schaller
Senior Scientist System Security Group, ETH Zurich
Silvan Schellenberg
Chief Information Security Officer Switzerland, UBS AG
Simon Seebeck
Leiter Kompetenzzentrum Cyber Risk, Die Mobiliar
Markus Siegle
Head Complex Claims Property & Liability, Zurich Swizerland
Manuel Suter
Stv. Direktor / Leiter Direktionsstab, Bundesamt für Cybersicherheit BACS
Philipp Wächter
Head of Security, Skyguide
Dario Walder
Vice-President, ISSS
Nicole Wettstein
Vice-President, Cybersecurity CommitteeProgramm Manager Cybersecurity, SATW
Roger Wirth
Head of Cyber Security (CISO), Swissgrid AG
Andreas Wuchner
Partner at TempoCap
Marco Wyrsch
Head of Group Security, Swisscom
Marcel Zumbuehl
Group CISO, PostCo-President, ISSS
Reto Zumoberhaus
Head of Strategy & Content Management, SUISSEDIGITAL