Heads were fuming at our second Digital Day partner’s workshop and it was not because of the warm weather. Or not alone. The aim of the second workshop on 8 May was to connect Digital Day partners to create the content of the  «Theme Worlds», which revolve around the topics of My Data, Mobility, Education, Work 4.0, Health, Lifestyle & Sport, Media & News. The workshop was kindly hosted by Aroma. Partners were welcomed also by Christian Wenger, President of the digitalswitzerland Executive Committee. His message to the partners and members: «Be creative, think big and make Switzerland an eye catcher!»


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First, there was a crazy idea

Founder of digitalswitzerland Marc Walder was also present at the workshop and recalled the very beginning of the Digital Day. When the idea of the Digital Day was brought up for the first time in 2017, no one really believed in it. Some thought that it was just “another crazy idea of that guy” (meaning Marc Walder). However, the success of the Digital Day proofed the opposite: The event became bigger than expected and a true dialogue with the public has been started. For the first time ever, representatives from industries, politics and associations could enter into live conversations with the public and learned about their hopes and worries with regards to digital transformation. Young and old could experience and see, what digitalisation means for every one of them. It was like a journey to the future. Except that we already are in the middle of the future and the digital transformation has only just begun.

The Digital Day wants no less than empower and equip the Swiss population for a forward thinking nation

Doing something for the second time isn’t that simple. Even though more experienced, expectations are most likely higher. And believe us, dear reader, they are. The public and we ourselves are having high expectations. Because we want to really have a lasting impact and do something big and relevant for the public. That is why this year’s partners and the Digital Day team is working hard to put into reality all ideas and visions around the next Digital Day. Initiatives and events will take place already before the actual event on 25 October, in all regions of Switzerland, in all official Swiss languages. «We are very happy to confirm that this year, besides Zurich, Lugano and Geneva and Chur, we also have Vaduz, St. Gallen and Valais on board», so Birgit Pestalozzi, overall project lead Digital Day and Head of Public Dialogue at digitalswitzerland. More cantons and cities might follow. Another focus this year will be on startups. They will pitch and present themselves and inspire us with their passion and power.

«Theme Worlds» are taking shape

During the workshop, partners sat together, brainstormed, discussed and challenged in a constructive way. And finally, ideas are becoming more concrete. Now, the Digital Day doesn’t seem so far away and we can’t wait for the big day. The next step will be the main workshop on 28 June in Lausanne. Creative phase, check. Next: bringing concepts to reality.

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Registration to become a Digital Day Partner will close soon. If you are interested to be part of this exciting journey, go to partner.digitaltag.swiss.