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Bleiben Sie stets auf dem Laufenden: Wir senden Ihnen aktuelle Informationen rund um digitale Ideen und Trends direkt in Ihren Posteingang. Für Sie und über 14’000 weitere Digital-Enthusiasten fassen wir regelmässig die aktuellsten Neuigkeiten, Projektupdates und inspirierenden Ideen zusammen.

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Im Verlauf eines Jahres veranstalten, sponsern und wirken wir an Events mit, die unsere Mitglieder und ein breiteres Publikum zusammenbringen. Unser Kalender enthält alle Details und Veranstaltungen in Ihrer Nähe.

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie als Gast bei unseren Events begrüssen zu dürfen. Bitte lesen Sie die Registrierungsanforderungen von Veranstaltungen, die Ihr Interesse wecken, aufmerksam durch. Bei Fragen können Sie sich ohne Weiteres an uns wenden.



  • Bildung & Zukunft der Arbeit
  • Community Talks
  • Cybersecurity & Daten Ethik
  • Digitale Gesundheit
  • Digitale Nachhaltigkeit
  • Distributed-Ledger-Technologie
  • Gesellschaft & digitaler Wandel
  • Globale Präsenz
  • Innovation
  • Medien & Unternehmensupdates
  • Nachhaltigkeit
  • Politische Rahmenbedingungen
  • Startups
  • Wirtschaft & Daten
  • Bildung & Fachkräfte
  • Community Talks
  • Cybersicherheit
  • Die digitalswitzerland Foundation
  • Digitale Gesundheit
  • Digitale Wirtschaft
  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • eSustainability
  • Inspiration & Networking
  • Kollaborative Innovation
  • Öffentlicher Dialog
  • Politisches Umfeld
  • Scaleup Förderung
  • Startup Ökosystem
  • Wirtschaftsdaten
Bildung & Zukunft der ArbeitBildung & FachkräfteInspiration & NetworkingKollaborative Innovation

01.11 8:00 am - 9:00 pm


National #herHACK 20.24 event | 2-DAY hackathon

Are you passionate about leveraging technology for a positive impact?
If you’re 18 or older, fluent in English, and eager to join a female-led hackathon, sign up now!
This event offers a fantastic opportunity to enhance your skills on real-world challenges, collaborate with peers, exchange ideas and knowledge, and gain invaluable experience. We invite and encourage participation from all genders and fields of expertise.
Let’s work together to tackle today’s most urgent issues.

National #herHACK 20.24 event | 2-DAY hackathon
Bildung & Zukunft der ArbeitCommunity TalksCommunity TalksInspiration & Networking

06.11 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


Community Talks: Rev up your workflow

In today’s fast-paced, remote-first work environment, employers and employees alike face two challenges:

– How to acquire the newest skills needed to create more efficiency?
– How to navigate the growing amount of circulating information on improved work performance through AI?

The latest technological innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI) and customised intranets offer promising solutions to promote learning and innovation on the one hand and to streamline communication channels on the other.

These and more aspects on learning and communication boosted by AI in the workplace will be explored in our interactive webinar session on Wednesday, 6 November.

Community Talks: Rev up your workflow
Medien & UnternehmensupdatesBildung & FachkräfteDigitale WirtschaftInspiration & Networking

14.11 12:00 am - 2:00 pm

IMD Campus Lausanne

Digital Competitiveness Forum 2024

Join us for the 2024 Digital Competitiveness Forum in Lausanne, hosted in partnership with IMD. Get exclusive insights into Switzerland’s digital competitiveness and hear from top experts as IMD reveals its latest World Digital Competitiveness Ranking.

This dynamic event will feature keynotes, debates, and networking opportunities, helping us assess Switzerland’s strengths and drive its progress as a leading global hub for digital innovation. Don’t miss out!

Digital Competitiveness Forum 2024

15.11 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz

Digitaltag Vaduz

The Digital Day in Vaduz is all about Artificial Intelligence (AI). This time, the focus is on the opportunities that AI offers us. You’ll learn about the latest results from the digitalization survey in Liechtenstein and follow an exciting discussion with Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni and Bruno Winkler, Program Manager for Digitalization in the municipalities of Liechtenstein, about the country’s digital future. The highlight: Sascha Lobo will give you exclusive insights into the world of AI. Afterwards, you can try out interactive attractions such as the digital Einstein and the AI Photobooth. This public and free event offers you a captivating glimpse into the digital transformation!

Event held in German.

Digitaltag Vaduz

19.11 1:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Neubad, Luzern

Digital Day Zentralschweiz 2024

What will our future working environments look like and how will organisations change?
How will people work and interact with intelligent systems?
Will we be lost or will we be supported and strengthened?

We will be discussing these and other questions at this year’s Digital Day, which will focus on ‘The Future of Work’.
You will also find out how the city and canton of Lucerne and other partners are driving the digital transformation forward. Where the pitfalls lie. And how to at least prepare for good results.
Take the opportunity to network, delve deeper into current topics in the workshops and discover new developments in digitalisation at the Teacher Tables.

The event is in German.

Digital Day Zentralschweiz 2024
Community TalksCommunity TalksDigitale Gesundheit

20.11 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


Community Talks on the Electronic Patient Record

Join our Community Talks webinar on the electronic patient record Together with ehealth suisse, CARA and AD Swiss, we will discuss the ongoing EPR campaign, the successes and the hurdles of the EPR implementation and the implications for patients and healthcare professionals. This will be the last Community Talks of the year, spotlighting the last category of digitalswitzerland’s Swiss Patient Journey Ecosystem Map.
Don’t miss out!

Community Talks on the Electronic Patient Record
Digitale NachhaltigkeitInnovationInspiration & Networking

29.11 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Accenture Future Camp

Frühstück Event | Smart und Grün – Digitale Wege zum Klimaziel

Join us for an exclusive „Sustainability Breakfast“ on 29 November in Zurich. Discover the insights from our new study, „Smart and Green – Digital Pathways to Netzero“ that was conducted by digitalswitzerland in collaboration with Accenture Switzerland and economiesuisse, and learn how digital solutions can drive significant progress toward reaching the Swiss climate targets. Engage in stimulating discussions and gain valuable perspectives from industry representatives.

Spaces are limited, so please register early and latest by November 22. The event will take place at the Accenture Future Camp on Fraumünsterstrasse in Zurich, with doors opening at 8:00 AM. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation for a sustainable future!

Please note that the event will be held in German.

Frühstück Event | Smart und Grün – Digitale Wege zum Klimaziel