After a full year of hard work, we are delighted to present our Annual Report. We kept it short enough to not take too much of your precious time and complete enough to provide you with a deeper insight on what we are actually moving forward everyday.
For many reasons, 2017 will remain in our memories as an impactful year. As you will read in the “Welcome word,” last year was our first full year under our new name and brand digitalswitzerland. From a city-focused initiative, we became a national movement.
Each one of our five pillars, listed in our Annual Report, has deployed concrete actions. We are proud to enable, develop and execute innovation projects.
Projects, like the Digital Manifesto for Switzerland, which made waves throughout Switzerland at the beginning of the year and evolved a few months later to become the Digital Action Plan for Switzerland. From there, tangible implementation projects were developed in six areas.
On its part, with the launch of and the platform Nextgeneration, our pillar “Education & Talent” have laid the foundation to prepare both workers and kids for a new era of digitalisation. Offering summer camps and vocational training.
We kept our mission all the way through the year of 2017, and we are making Switzerland a leading digital innovation Hub, worldwide. Of course, we are grateful to our members and partners for their trust and support, but also to everyone engaging with us, our Swiss-wide initiative and our impactful projects.
Visit our Annual Report Archive to view more reports.