Lots of new skills, ideas and friends during the Codillion summer camps for kids
digitalswitzerland’s nextgeneration digital platform for summer camps is drawing ever more interest. One of the camps, Codillion, looks back on the summer and shares the experience.
(Blog content supplied by Marloes Caduff, Codillion)
During the past summer holidays, Codillion organised camps for children in Zurich, St. Gallen, Bern, Zug and Glattfelden. Codillion is part of digitalswitzerland nextgeneration. With the opening of our own “Codillion Coding & Robots Studio” in June 2018, we were able to conduct courses in our own four walls for the very first time. Although the temperatures were high and we all were tempted to go swimming as early as possible, the camps were a complete success. Despite the heat, the children were very enthusiastic about their newly learned skills and ideas were streaming out of them, just like sweat. The children played computational thinking games, made their own paper laptops including RAM and ROM, and programmed robots to dance simultaneously, race a track and make lots of funny noises.
Little Codillions visited the mint&pepper camp
Some Codillions stayed with us during lunch and afternoon and had an exciting programme. They visited the Hello, Robot exhibition in Winterthur and also visited our friends from the mint&pepper camp in Dübendorf.
First time this summer: programming games in Python
Having already run over 30 holiday camps, we had a première during the last week of the summer holidays. The first group of 5th graders and above transitioned from block programming (such as Scratch) to Python. This course was such a success, we are adding Python camps to all our holiday camps located in Zurich.
Parents are astonished how quickly and easily kids learned their new skills
What computational thinking is and how children, from a very early age, can master these skills, are open questions many parents have. To address these questions, we are opening our doors in Zurich on Wednesday 5. September for all kids and parents to learn more about these 21st century skills. Just come by and question us, the children can test our robots and laptops.
Our Zurich summer camps 2019 are already online!
Our camps are open during all main school holidays, and the summer camps 2019 are already open for registration. We are looking forward to the next holiday camps full of fun, learning, exploring and making friends!
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