
How can we help?

We might not have all the answers but we welcome all questions. Please reach out to us with media inquiries, questions about membership or non-political partnership, ideas or requests. We look forward to hearing from you in any of the official Swiss languages or English.

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Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

Distributed Ledger Technology

Distributed Ledger Technology is a disruptive technology in Switzerland which is very technical and complex, offering multitude of different applications, which are hard to navigate. We want to simplify this technology and enable better understanding and usability.

Our goals

Our goals

Connecting legal and tech communities

Our goals

Empowering Swiss organisations to fully use DLT

Our goals

Strengthening the platform for exchange and sharing


The project aims to secure Switzerland’s position as a global leader in distributed ledger technology (DLT) and establish the first regulated crypto market. We connect legal and tech communities through a plug-and-play website and enable users to co-create blueprints and collaborate with one another. Join our community and help us shape the landscape and strengthen communication and collaboration.

Empowerment and education

Distributed Ledger Technology is a disruptive technology which can be complicated and hard to grasp. We want to increase knowledge sharing by educating and supporting our members to better understand all applications of the technology,to encourage them to develop pilot use cases within their organisations.

Our LinkedIn Community

Interested to stay up to date with the latest news on Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Asset, or would you like to share your blueprints and achievements? We look forward to having you as part of the community!

Contact us

Get in touch for more information on our varied programmes and activities.

Jade Sternberg
Senior Project Manager Digital Health