As an Alpine country, Switzerland is particularly hard affected by the consequences of climate change. Since pre-industrial times, the average temperature in Switzerland has risen by around 2 degrees Celsius – twice as much as the global average.

As part of the international community, Switzerland has committed to reducing its emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The study “Smart and Green – Digital Pathways to Net Zero” published by digitalswitzerland and economiesuisse in cooperation with Accenture, shows how digital technologies in the buildings, transport, industry, agriculture, and energy sectors can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.This is an example sentence with a footnote reference.

The results are unambiguous: Digitalisation offers a significant contribution to the 2030 climate target. In the industries analysed, digital technologies have the potential to reduce emissions by 1.2 to 3.2 million tonnes of CO2eq. This corresponds to closing 7 to 20% of the existing climate gap (the emissions to be reduced from today until 2030).

Please find the full study in German, or check out the executive summary in English or French.