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The “Res Publica Digitalis” eGovernment Study by digitalswitzerland

How can Switzerland future-proof its public administration through digital transformation? The new study “Res Publica Digitalis” by digitalswitzerland highlights promising strategies, showing that while Switzerland’s federal system faces unique challenges, it also fosters flexibility and innovation.
The study makes it clear that efficient and cost-saving digitalisation is only possible through close partnerships between authorities at all levels. In light of proposed federal budget cuts, such collaboration is not just an opportunity but a necessity.

Successful case studies from the cantons of Aargau, Schaffhausen, and Schwyz, as well as the cities of Lucerne, Bern, Lugano, Lausanne, and the Swiss Post, illustrate how citizen-centric eGovernment can succeed. These partnerships are already setting new standards for a sustainable and modern public service offering.

Read the full study to discover what the future of digital public administration could look like!

With its discussion paper on a “Res Publica Digitalis”, digitalswitzerland’s “eGovernment” working group is making an appeal for increased intercommunal and inter-cantonal cooperation in the area of eGovernment. A people-centred approach, efficient and based on the population and the economy, is the best way to advance the digitalisation of the public sector in our federal system.

This discussion paper and the working group responsible for it were developed between the end of April and the beginning of August 2023 and followed from the definition of thematic priorities in the context of a strategy workshop of the Public Affairs Committee of digitalswitzerland on 12 January 2023.