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AI Training Platform: Up- and Reskilling Employees To Stay Competitive

Upskill your workforce for AI to boost innovation and productivity: explore the new digitalswitzerland AI Training Platform with AI training offerings from our members for professionals at every level and benefit from discounts.

A 2023 IBM study revealed that 87% of leaders expect at least 25% of their workforce to require reskilling within the next three years, as AI and automation reshape industries. Nearly half even anticipate that 50% of employees will need new skills to stay competitive in an AI-driven world.

The Need for Upskilling and Reskilling

Upskilling involves enhancing current skills, while reskilling prepares employees for entirely new roles. Both strategies are essential to address evolving skill gaps. AI knowledge is now critical across all roles, from data scientists to executives. On our new platform for AI trainings, we offer an overview of courses from beginner to advanced levels from digitalswitzerland members for digitalswitzerland members (at a discount) and the broader population.

Gain a competitive advantage and invest in AI re- and upskilling now

AI reskilling and AI upskilling is no longer optional–it’s essential for future readiness. Yet, a 2024 BCG study shows that while 89% of companies recognize the need for better AI skills, only 6% have taken significant steps to address it.
Organisations that prioritise continuous learning and AI literacy will be prepared for the changes ahead: Upskilled teams can innovate faster, develop AI solutions more effectively, and remain agile in a rapidly evolving tech landscape. Invest in the future now and visit our AI Training Platform.

Image credits: Yutong Liu & Kingston School of Art / Better Images of AI / Talking to AI 2.0 / CC-BY 4.0

The forces of existing STEM initiatives have come together for the first time to form a powerful national umbrella campaign. The aim is to foster interest in young people to pursue STEM training and professions. The national STEM campaign, co-initiated by digitalswitzerland and Pro Juventute also counts other partners, including ETH, SAV, and Swissmem and it is carried out in three national languages.

World changing career choices

STEM is part of the solution to face the challenges of the future. This includes exciting work to tackle climate change and health issues. Through pursuing a STEM profession, it’s possible to contribute to make the world a better place through academic activities or apprenticeships.

The advantage of STEM is that it spans a wide variety of professions. It also offers excellent career development opportunities with endless scope for interests. From an ICT perspective, students can learn cybersecurity and data science disciplines. There are also opportunities for a hands-on approach in the areas of civil engineering and infrastructure. When it comes to technology, machine tooling or innovative applied research might be of interest. It’s time to embrace a career path full of possibilities for growth and success.


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Our whitepaper “Empfehlungen für gendersensible MINT-Angebote” (Recommendations for gender-sensitive STEM programmes) is live! Together with Prof. Dr. Bernadette Spieler from the University of Education Zurich, we have the pleasure of publishing this important contribution to the MINT topic. The whitepaper helps organisations and individuals dealing with STEM (science, engineering, technology, and mathematics) to recognise the potential of STEM disciplines.