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4T-DLT reaches a key milestone – the white paper is published

Today, the 4T-DLT initiative published a white paper. Broken down into the so-called “4 Trusts”, the authors provide fundamental information on the technical and legal framework to establish and operate a secure, interoperable, reliable and trusted digital infrastructure. The white paper is both a navigation guide and a source of knowledge for users, advisors and authorities. Under the umbrella of digitalswitzerland, the approach of a federative and collaborative innovation is followed to create an open repository for the technical and legal information, definitions and standards that will enable a secure, interoperable and reliable Swiss Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) infrastructure.

The set-up of a new comprehensive, interoperable and reliable DLT ecosystem based on Swiss quality standards requires cooperation across companies, organisations and experts as well as interactions with policymakers and regulators. This will help citizens leverage the potential of DLT technology by enabling the independent storage of digital information, values and rights, as well as their straightforward, legally secure and efficient transfer. To achieve this, MME and Swisscom have brought together industry leaders and experts from academia and business to create coherence between the technical and legal domains and to jointly foster ongoing DLT initiatives.

4 Elements of Trust

The team has previously produced four explanatory videos for each element of trust. Following the same structure, the white paper outlines each of these core pillars of a trusted DLT infrastructure to support and promote the adoption of DLT technology:

With the publication of this white paper, the authors would like to contribute to Switzerland’s continuous establishment and development as one of the world’s leading, innovative and sustainable locations for fintech companies and DLT initiatives. 

The publication of the white paper also heralds the next phase of the 4T DLT initiative. Currently, the initiators are working on sharpening the next goals and are looking forward to expanding the collaborative circle. A regular forum will be held to openly discuss innovation, lessons learned, and improvement approaches across industries and academia.

If you are interested in the full white paper, please download it here

The set-up of a new comprehensive, interoperable and reliable DLT-ecosystem based on Swiss quality standards requires cooperation across companies, organizations and experts as well as interactions with politicians and regulators. This is why MME and Swisscom have gathered industry leaders and experts from the academia to achieve coherence between the technical and the legal sphere and to jointly foster ongoing DLT initiatives. With the objective to develop these foundations in a protocol-, product- and manufacturer-neutral manner, the collaborators have produced four explanatory videos and are currently working on an initial whitepaper outlining the technical and legal framework to establish a secure, interoperable and reliable digital infrastructure. The whitepaper takes into consideration the recent amendments to Swiss federal laws in the field of distributed electronic ledgers and is expected to be published within only a few weeks from now. The standardisation work is thematically split into four areas – the 4 Trusts –, each of which deals with one of the central pillars of a secure DLT infrastructure:

With a functioning DLT infrastructure, the full potential of DLT technology may be exploited. The initial focus of this initiative was on digital assets, but all digital information, value and rights can be stored autonomously and transferred easily, efficiently and legally validly between the participants of a DLT ecosystem. Switzerland could thus position itself as the world’s leading location for standard setting applications based on DLT technology.

The Shapers

The Contributors