We are excited to announce that in 2021 we will host Digital Day for the 5th year in a row. It will take place on 10 November with a variety of events both in the digital and physical space.
Since digitalisation is such a multifaceted topic that can’t be possibly covered in a single day, we have decided to use the 6 weeks leading up to Digital Day to foster a nationwide discourse around digital topics, focusing on two main topics, learning and co-creation of the future.
We invite you to explore past events on digitalday.swiss, the same space we will use to publish our programme highlights when the time comes.
In early March we hosted a Digital Day kickoff event with over 200 attendees interested in shaping Digital Day 2021. We revealed our concept, talked about changes we made to improve digital day to make it even more accessible and inclusive for the Swiss population and discussed ways to create an even bigger impact for everyone involved.
Are you interested in shaping this national event with global attention? We are still welcoming new partners who are ready to make an impact. Book a call with us now to see how you can get involved.
This year’s Digital Day is not until 10 November but there are plenty of opportunities to get involved starting today. We are curious to hear your answer to our guiding question – What kind of digital future do you wish for? – and welcome all of your thoughts here.
This is one of many ways we listen to those living with the consequences of an increasingly digital world. After all, Digital Day is an event for the public created to spark the biggest, most meaningful conversation around all things digital with all citizens of Switzerland.
For more information regarding the programme, speakers and information on last year’s event please visit digitalday.swiss. The 2021-programme will be released soon.