
How can we help?

We might not have all the answers but we welcome all questions. Please reach out to us with media inquiries, questions about membership or non-political partnership, ideas or requests. We look forward to hearing from you in any of the official Swiss languages or English.

How can we help? EN
I hereby confirm that I have read and agree with the privacy policy. *

Become a Member or non-political partner.

Do you have any further questions around becoming a digitalswitzerland member or a non-political partner of our foundation? We are happy to have a conversation with you about our offerings.

Become a member or partner EN
I hereby confirm that I have read and agree with the privacy policy. *



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Community Talks

With the Community Talks, digitalswitzerland creates a strong and vibrant community to raise awareness, share, learn and network.


Digital Health is pivotal to ensure that Switzerland’s healthcare system is efficient, cost-effective and patient-centric. A digital transformation will increase transparency, accessibility and understanding of health information for the entire Swiss population. All healthcare actors need to collaborate to transition the healthcare system to the digital space and create a population mindshift.

Some of the most pressing challenges cannot be solved alone. They require a multi-stakeholder approach in order to develop sustainable solutions for society and the economy. We need collaborative innovation to come together, co-create and scale solutions.