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On 24 March, 70 C-levels and DLT-experts gathered at Kraftwerk in Zurich to exchange on decentralised financial markets and standardisation. Capital Market Technology (CMTA) and digitalswitzerland 4T-DLT co-organised an insightful event where players from the industry came together, got inspired by the presentations and networked with their peers at the aperitif.
Moderator Stephanie Tauber Gomez, Senior Innovation Manager at digitalswitzerland, welcoming the guests.
What were the goals of this event?
Event aims:
strengthen the collaboration between the technology and financial industry to position Switzerland as one of the leading nations in the field of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
introduce and celebrate CMTA’s new protocols and certification
grow the 4T-DLT community and enable DLT-enthusiasts to collaborate on the digital infrastructure
An evening packed with learnings presented by DLT-experts
Stephanie Tauber Gomez, Senior Innovation Manager at digitalswitzerland and our moderator for the event, led through this inspiring night. She welcomed many different experts on stage who all shared insightful news from the field of distributed ledger technology. Two of these experts were Jacques Iffland, Chairman of CMTA and Partner at Lenz & Staehelin, and Patrick Oltramare, 4T-DLT Shaper and CEO of SwissCaution, who outlined the necessity of collaboration between their two organisations to best push the limits of DLT. They emphasised the fact that it is only together that we can have an impact on the future.
Stephanie Tauber Gomez moderating on stage.
Marc Bürki, CEO and founder of Swissquote, presented the creation of decentralised capital markets infrastructures and the importance of DLT as a new technology for these markets. Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Chair of CMTA’S Tech Committee, CSO and founder of Taurus, explained the new CMTA token, now available for all Swiss businesses. This token is a tool for open source solutions for decentralised market infrastructures.
Presentation of Marc BĂĽrki, CEO and founder of Swissquote.
Patrick Oltramare then introduced the recent highlights of 4T-DLT, the initiative which creates an open repository for technical and legal standards for an interoperable Swiss DLT infrastructure. We celebrated the two key milestones from 2021:
the publication of the videos around the four elements of trust: 1) Configuration, 2) Consensus, 3) Custody and 4) Transaction and
the release of the whitepaper about these elements of trust.
The presentation was kept dynamic as three 4T-DLT Shapers, Johannes Hoehener – Board Member of TI&M – Mattia Rattaggi – Managing Partner at METI Advisory AG – and Fedor Poskriakov – Partner at Lenz & Staehelin – gave three-minute pitches each on the different trust pillars.
Audience of CMTA and 4T-DLT distributed ledger technology (DLT) event
To wrap up the presentations, Guillaume Gabus, Head of Portfolio and Regions at digitalswitzerland, shared with the audience a sneak peek into the future 4T-DLT website. This website will serve as a neutral platform for DLT-enthusiasts to exchange with one another collaboratively. Please bear with us until the website goes live soon!
Networking and Exchanging
During the aperitif, the stakeholders had a chance to exchange opinions and ideas on the different DLT topics and identify potential synergies. As the event was coming to an end, it was powerful to see that all the attendees seemed to share one thought: Collaboration across different industries is crucial if we want to push the limits of the DLT ecosystem.
Guests at networking aperitif of CMTA and 4T-DLT distributed ledger technology (DLT) event.Diana Engetschwiler, Deputy Managing Director digitalswitzerland, at networking aperitif with guests of the event.Guests at networking aperitif of CMTA and 4T-DLT distributed ledger technology (DLT) event.
An independent association formed by leading actors from Switzerland’s financial, technological and legal sectors to create common standards around issuing, distributing and trading securities in the form of tokens using the distributed ledger technology.
An initiative that follows a federated and collaborative approach to create an open repository for the technical and legal information, definition and standards for a secure, interoperable and reliable Swiss Distributed Ledger Technology infrastructure. This initiative was launched by Swisscom, Switzerland’s leading telecoms & IT company, and MME, a leading Swiss consultancy firm for law, tax and compliance, under the umbrella of digitalswitzerland.
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