In accordance with the guiding principle to transform Switzerland into a leading digital nation, digitalswitzerland is committed to the successful digitalisation of Switzerland in the political arena. We actively communicate our ideas and positions to political decision-makers and the public.

Recent statements

25 June 2024 – Yes to the Federal Council’s “Federal law on electronic proof of identity and other electronic proofs” (23.073)
To the statement: German and French

30 May 2024 – Statement on the motion “In favour of a sovereign digital infrastructure in Switzerland in the age of artificial intelligence (AI)” to the Council of States
To the statement: German and French

28 May 2024 – Statement on the Federal Act on the Taxation of Teleworking in International Relations (Council of States)
To the statement: German and French

22 May 2024 – Consultation response to the Ordinance on the Use of Electronic Means for the Transmission of Sound and Images in Civil Proceedings (VEMZ)
To the statement: German and French

12 April 2024 – Statement on the Federal Act on the Taxation of Teleworking in International Relations (National Council)
To the statement: German and French

28 March 2024 – Consultation response to the Federal Act on Information Systems in Social Insurance BISS
To the statement: German

8 March 2024 – Consultation response to the Amendment of the Military Act
To the statement: German and French

6 March 2024 – Position Statement on Digisanté to the National Council
To the statement: German and French

15 February 2024 – Consultation response to the regulation on telecommunication services (FDV)
To the statement: German and French

8 February 2024 – Consultation response to the Partial Revision of the Value Added Tax Ordinance
To the statement: German and French


19 October 2023 – Consultation response to the revision of the EPDG: Comprehensive revision EPDG
To the statement: German and French

6 October 2023 – Statement on the consultation on the ordinance on the protection of minors in the area of film and Video Games (JSFVV)
To the statement: German and French

15 September 2023 – Statement on Motion 23.3002 “More security for Switzerland’s most important digital data”
To the statement: German and French

7 September 2023 – Statement on the Information Security Act (ISG). Amendment (introduction of a reporting obligation for cyberattacks on critical infrastructures) (22.073)
To the statement: German and French

2 June 2023 – Statement on the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act. Easier admission for foreigners with a Swiss university degree [22.067]
To the statement: German and French

26 May 2023 – Statement on the Information Security Act – Introduction of a reporting obligation for cyber attacks on critical infrastructure [22.073]
To the statement: German and French

14 April 2023 – Statement on the parliamentary initiative “Enable independence, take into account the will of the party” (18.455)
To the statement: German and French

18 March 2023 – Response to the decision of the National Council on the amendment of the Information Security Act [22.073]
To the response: German and French

12 February 2023 – Consultation response to management measures in the event of severe electricity shortages
To the consultation response: German


29 September 2022 – Consultation response on the Federal Act on Electronic Proof of Identity and other Electronic Proofs (E-ID Act, BGEID)
To the consultation response: German and French

9 September 2022 – Consultation response on the Revision of the Matura Recognition Ordinance and the Administrative Agreement on the Recognition of Matura Certificates
To the consultation response: German and French

29 June 2022 – Letter in Support of Article 16a on the Federal Act on the Use of Electronic Means for the Performance of Official Duties (EMBaG) to the members of the Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the National Council of States (SEC-N) and the members of the Committee for Political Institutions of the National Council (PIC-N)
To the letter: German and French

2 June 2022 – Letter to the National Council on the motion “Federal Participation in the Establishment and Operation of the National Test Institute for Cybersecurity” [Grüter 20.4495]
To the letter: German and French

3 May 2022 – Statement on the Federal Mobility Data Infrastructure Act (MODIG)
Read the statement (only in German)

13 April 2022 – Statement on the Federal Act on Information Security (ISG)
Read the statement (only in German)

1 April 2022 – Letter to the members of the Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the Council of States (SECC) on the Federal Act on the Use of Electronic Means for the Performance of Official Duties (EMBaG)
To the letter: German and French

25 March 2022 – Revision of the Ordinance on Telecommunications Services (OTS) (adaptation of the universal service provisions)
Read the statement (only in German)

18 March 2022 – Amendment of the Telecommunications Services Ordinance (Security of Information and of Telecommunications Infrastructures and Services)
Read the statement (only in German)

15 March 2022 – Letter to the Council of States on the motion “Push digital projects with public interest – close legal loophole” [21.4377, Würth].
To the letter: German and French

13 January 2022 – Amendment to the Foreign Nationals and Integration Act: facilitation of admission for foreign nationals with a Swiss university degree [Mo Dobler 17.3067]
Read the statement (only in German)

14 October 2021 – Revision of the Ordinance to the Federal Act on Data Protection
Read the statement (only in German)

13 October 2021 – Public consultation on the “e-ID mission”
To the press release and statement

15 September 2021 – Statement on the amendment of Ordinance 2 to the Labor Code
To the media release and statement

17 August 2021 – Statement on the redesign of e-voting trials
To the press release and statement: German and French

14 April 2021 – Swiss E-ID – Back to square one
Read the article

25 March 2021 – Statement on the Federal Act on the Use of Electronic Means for the Performance of Official Duties (EMBaG)
Read the statement (only in German)

15 March 2021 – Letter regarding the political business “Provisional judicial opening, adaptation to changed business practice (digitalisation) [19.3448, Dobler]
Read the statement: German version, French Version

8 March 2021 – Rejection of E-ID law
To the press release

26 February 2021 – Statement on the amendment of the Federal Act against Unfair Competition (UCA)
Read the statement (only in German)